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$50 each + $4 S/H charge.

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For additional information and resources regarding brain injury and the Brain Injury Association of Illinois, visit

We often refer to ourselves as “just a nurse and a social worker” when venturing into areas that have nothing to do with our specialty: brain injury rehabilitation. Selling jewelry is one of those areas. We do, however, have a great passion for making a difference in the lives of people affected by brain injury. “2Lilies” was born out of that great passion.
An estimated 5.3 million Americans live with disabilities related to brain injury. The cost of traumatic brain injury in the U.S. exceeds $48 billion annually. The physical, cognitive, emotional and behavioral consequences can be devastating. Brain injury often brings job loss, social isolation and life changes that can diminish self esteem.

The “2Lilies” jewelry project will raise much needed funds for many of the Brain Injury Association's programs including adult and kids' summer camps, injury prevention and public awareness, advocacy, information and resources.

We both love jewelry, and we thought it would be something everyone else would enjoy too. Our beautiful lily symbol was created by Chicago artist Watie White when we told him that we always remind our patients of the parable in Matthew’s gospel to “…consider the lilies, they neither toil nor spin, yet I assure you that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these…” The essence of the parable is simple: regardless of your level of ability or disability, you are of great value just because you exist. The closed lily behind an open lily conjures images of journey and renewal; it evokes redefining life after disability or any other journey we take.

This premiere piece from our “Journey” Collection was designed exclusively for us by Chicago jewelry designer, Paul Klecka.

Please join us in support of persons with brain injury by wearing this beautiful lily necklace.

All profits will be donated to the Brain Injury Association of Illinois.

- Ginny and Philicia